Editor's review
This is a converter that converts web pages, HTML format, to BeBook reader format, essentially ePub format.
Web Page to BeBook Converter is a Web Page conversion tool that does batch conversion of Web Page to BeBook reader format. This is nothing but the ePub format readable by many other readers. The converter lets you modify the information of ePub files easily. These include the book title, author, ISBN number, and publisher, publish date, etc. and comments as well. One part of the display screen is given over to the creation of a batch list for this batch converter. You can browse or drag and drop titles into the work area and the number of publications that can be handled are unlimited. The conversion process does not affect the original elements such as text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout. Add any image from your collection as a cover page for the publication.
The BeBook device is like many of the other eInk based devices that provide you the equivalent reading experience of a printed book and usually of the size of a slim paperback volume. Besides the BeBook, you are able to view Word Documents (.doc), Epub, PDF`s, Text (.txt) and over 20 other file formats, including images like .jpg or sound files (audibooks or music files). To guarantee you can read the latest available titles, Adobe DRM (copy protection) is fully supported for both the ePub and PDF formats. The interface is easy to use and has nothing remarkable other than that. In fact the choice of font on the interface makes it unattractive. A handy ePub formatted document creator, if you needed a batch converter.
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